1. What is something people don’t know about you?
I’ve never watched Game of thrones, Lord of the rings or Star Wars.
2. What was it like growing up on and around a Christmas tree farm?
It was really fun living on a farm, always felt like Christmas was an even bigger event because we sold Christmas trees.
3. What do you enjoy most about growing and selling Christmas trees each year?
I’ve always loved the farm life and through the year it’s great working in the outdoors. When we sell it’s always rewarding seeing the smiles on the kids faces when you’ve cut their Christmas tree.
4. What has been one of your most memorable moments working on a Christmas tree farm?
Most memorable moments is always watching people with the tiniest cars try to fit the biggest trees!
5. What is something people might not know about Christmas trees?
How long they take to grow! A lot of people assume that they only take one year to get to a saleable height when in fact they take around three to five years.
6. What event, past, present, or future, would you like to witness?
Kobe Bryant’s last NBA game
7. Which four guests, dead or alive, would you invite to a dinner party?
Kevin hart, Dwayne Johnson, Jennifer Anniston, Kobe Bryant
8. Who do you admire the most?
My dad, he has always been one of the hardest workers I know.
9. What are some of your hobbies?
Always love to go fishing when I can, as well as playing poker and spending time with family.
10. What is your favourite book and/or film?
Favourite film would have to be Law Abiding Citizen.