Decision to be made on the 150 Cambridge Rd land

Yarra Ranges Council will decide the future of the land at 150 Cambridge Road at the council meeting on Tuesday 8 February. Picture: ROB CAREW. 264615_02

Yarra Ranges Council will decide the fate of the land at 150 Cambridge Road at tonight’s council meeting, Tuesday 8 February.

For over two years, community members have been petitioning to get the council to recognise the importance of the vacant land as community space.

Key advocates John Phillips and Shelley Large will both be speaking on behalf of the community at the meeting as a one last plea to the councillors to vote in favour of the recommendation.

Council offices have recommended the council approve the purchase of the State government owned land so that it remains as community space.

By doing so it would require other parcels of council owned land to be sold. The budget for the Walling Ward would also be eaten into by purchasing this land.

As the former Pembroke High School site, the Victorian government currently owns the land and has offered it to Yarra Ranges Council at a 50 per cent discount of $6.44 million.

To tune into the decision, go to this website where a link will be provided for the livestream.