Lilydale sports clubs and organisations have the opportunity to apply to become a registered activity provider to make community sport more affordable for all families.
Community Sport minister Ros Spence announced on Tuesday 15 February that registrations opened for clubs and organisations to become a Get Active Kids Activity Provider ahead of round four of the Get Active Kids Voucher Program opening in March.
“By applying to be a registered activity provider, clubs will not only gain more members, they’ll be helping more families and kids experience the benefits of community sport,” she said.
“We know the vouchers have been highly successful, with almost 30 per cent of recipients so far joining a sports club for the first time, that’s thousands of young people who wouldn’t have been able to get involved if it weren’t for the program.”
The voucher program previously helped 33,000 families finding it difficult to afford the costs associated with club fees, registration, equipment and uniforms to pay and then be reimbursed through the program.
This year clubs and sporting organisations can register as a provider, which allows families to sign their kids up using the voucher up front and reducing out-of-pocket expenses.
Families will be able to apply for a voucher up to $200 through round four of the program next month and will then be required to submit the voucher to their local sporting club.
Clubs and sporting organisations will then be able to redeem the voucher from the Government.
To be eligible for registration as an activity provider, clubs and sporting organisations must be affiliated with a recognised State Sporting Association or equivalent governing body.
The program is open to Victorian children aged up to 18, named on a valid Commonwealth Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card and named on a valid Medicare Card at the time of application.
A special consideration stream is also available to support children in care, temporary or provisional visa holders, undocumented migrants and international students up to 18 years at the time of application.
Eligible clubs can register now at getactive.vic.gov.au/vouchers.