By Renee Wood
Lilydale SES has thanked the community for supporting its tin rattle fundraiser held at the corner of Maroondah Highway and Anderson Street Lilydale on Sunday 20 March.
Unit Controller Shaun Caulfield said it was a success thanks to very generous donations ranging from $50 notes to gold and silver coins – all valuable in supporting the volunteer run service.
“We were very thankful to the community for their support, it’s an ongoing issue for us to continue to fundraise,” Mr Caulfield said.
Lilydale SES holds several fundraising events throughout the year in order to purchase, maintain and upgrade vehicles.
Currently the crew is raising donations to replace a 14 year old Nissan Patrol service vehicle, which comes at a cost of around $100,000 once fitted out.
The brigade also applies for state funding opportunities to help cover the costs.
Mr Caulfield said the grants can help with two thirds of the total if successful, while the brigade aims to raise $35,000 to add to the tally.
“We’re not assured of getting that grant funding, so we put in a bid and hope that we’re successful and we’ve had good success previously but have been knocked back,” he said.
“So to be able to have such a genuine response from the community is very beneficial.”
Drivers will see SES members at the intersection for another tin rattle fundraiser on Melbourne Cup Day in November, something they’ve been doing for 25 years.
“Every three years were replacing one of our vehicles, and essentially that’s to make sure its not just safe for members to operate, but also reliable and fit for task.”
The next fundraiser on the calendar for Lilydale will be its annual Mother’s Day flower road stall which is held on Victoria Road, Chirnside Park.
“We’ve been doing that for about 10 years now and we get a great response.
“That’s another avenue to make sure we can maintain our fleet so when the community calls us we can respond.”