Finding connection, supporting women in Mooroolbark

Elly Johnson has mentored women for many years in safety, relationships and personal growth but has wanted to offer support as well through Women's Circles. Picture: SUPPLIED.

By Mikayla van Loon

It’s a tradition that is almost as old as time, a gathering point for women to share, be creative and relieve stress, it’s called a women’s circle.

Women’s life coach and professional speaker Elly Johnson is now bringing this tradition back to Mooroolbark to offer connection, build resilience and share in feminine energy with local women.

Having just moved back to the area from Sydney, Ms Johnson said she began doing informal circles with friends and acquaintances who found it really purposeful.

“It’s not like girls sitting around having a glass of wine, it’s a more guided approach that allows women to hold space for each other,” she said.

Putting out an expression of interest to the Mooroolbark community via social media, Ms Johnson said she received an overwhelming response just within the first couple of hours.

Many of the responses related to the idea of connection, being more mindful, finding a balance between being strong and feminine, personal growth, finding oneself after a traumatic event and just being present.

Ms Johnson said for many women, who don’t feel as though they need a therapist or counsellor but perhaps need someone to talk to about what is happening in life, a women’s circle can be just the place.

“The beauty of women’s circles is that it allows that space and it’s different things on different days,” she said.

“So the first one we’ve got is around self love and it’s just that place where you’re in a room of women very different than any other setting, you’re not there to judge, you’re not there to give your opinion, you’re not there to fix anybody.

“It’s just a place of safety and expression and spiritual connections.”

Bringing in elements of meditation, story sharing, dancing and art, Ms Johnson said it will be a place to relax and unwind from the busy schedules most women keep.

“It really goes back to women in tribes, centuries ago, sitting around and cooking together or crafting things together and talking and expressing themselves.

“We don’t do that in our community, we’re not really a community, in a lot of cases, we’re out being busy and a lot of times we lose sight of ourselves and we lose sight of our femininity.

“Where I want to help the community is just to allow that safe space to take a breath and to slow down and to feel connected.”

Although it’s not only women trying to navigate this post-Covid world, Ms Johnson said having never been something this generation would have experienced, there’s no road map for reestablishing connection, finding meaning or getting the right support.

Women of all ages are invited to join the first Women’s Circle – Returning to the Heart event on Monday 18 July at 7pm.

Ms Johnson hopes these sessions will be regular and each time the theme will change. A Wise Women circle will also happen later this month for women over the age of 50.

While a cost of $30 is involved, a percentage will be donated to the charity Destiny Rescue, helping young women.

To find the events go to