By Tim Howden
Now is the time to prioritise your immune system. It’s good to keep warm, get adequate rest and stay well hydrated but what if we’re finding we can’t shake off frequent illness?
Are you over being sick? Catching a severe cold or flu can be debilitating and frustrating right? Tired, sore, headache, cough…. if you’re keen to make this a thing of the past, keep reading! There are effective methods to make your immune system more resilient. Imagine how you will feel knowing that your immunity is firing at full capacity warding off the bugs going ‘round so you can continue to live your life to the fullest. I say a big hello to returned vitality.
Questions you may be asking right now:
How do I strengthen my immune response?
Why are over the counter (otc) supplements not working very well?
How long will it take/ how much will it cost?
To strengthen your immune response we need to know exactly why it’s encumbered. What is causing it to falter and not fire up strongly and appropriately? Reasons may include unresolved infection, nutrient deficiency, food intolerances, medications, prolonged stress, digestive problems and environmental factors. A qualified naturopath / nutritionist is able to evaluate these and identify the root cause of the problem so we can target the deficient areas and supercharge your immune system.
DIY shopping from the chemist / supermarket / online rarely works in these scenarios because the quality and formulations do not match your individual needs. Attending to your health in this way is guessing at what will help. It often prolongs illness and wastes precious time and money on products that fail to address the cause.
The length of time required to boost immunity depends on a variety of factors including your underlying health status, quality of diet and how consistent you are at taking remedies and making changes to diet and lifestyle. Most people who are determined to become well respond quickly. They resolve the underlying issues and boost their immune system. Remember, consulting a professional will focus on your needs and save you time and money, and help you achieve great results.
We have some wonderful, experienced and highly knowledgeable natural health professionals in the Yarra ranges. If you’re keen to move forward in health and wellness, search them out and say hello to renewed vitality.