1. What is something people don’t know about you?
I’m a massive Neighbours fan, and lost it watching the finale. I also did the Deb Ball five times.
2. What do you enjoy most about teaching Indigenous Studies and sharing your Aboriginal culture?
Being able to learn as I go and then share my own journey and story is very empowering, and at the same time I genuinely feel that I’m helping society to better educate itself on issues that relate directly to ALL Australians.
3. How would you encourage more people to learn and understand Aboriginal culture, as well as begin a connection to Country?
Find out about your local history. Contact local councils or groups and start to learn about how we’ve come to this point in society – what has led us here?
4. What has been one of your most memorable moments?
Performing, being involved in, and watching ceremonies is such a connecting experience, no matter what level – Welcomes to Country, Smoking Ceremonies….they’re wonderfully grounding experiences. I’ll never forget being privileged to lay a gift of tobacco at the grave of Poundmaker, a famous Cree chief in Canada. Such a moving and spiritual experience, particularly for a kid from Healesville.
Then of course, there’s watching the 2017 and 2019 Richmond premierships live with each of my two boys. Priceless.
5. What do you love most about the Yarra Ranges?
The sense of connection I feel to the area, the people and the history. Healesville will always be home and Mum always taught me about the value of family and connection. Playing football for most of my life for Healesville has created a number of lifelong friendships. Nothing like the Valley.
6. What event, past, present, or future, would you like to witness?
A Day on The Green concert featuring John Mellencamp, Dire Straits and RatCat, with guest vocalist Pee Wee from Healesville.
7. Which four guests, dead or alive, would you invite to a dinner party?
Michael Jackson, The ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage, Stefan Edberg and John F Kennedy (I think he knows who did it)
8. Who do you admire the most?
I’ve had so many great influences in my life, but I’d have to go with Ma (my mum). Raising a child on her own in the 70s – especially this child – could not have been easy, but I think she lived a remarkable life.
9. What are some of your hobbies?
I love listening to music, and playing and watching sports – footy, horseracing, NFL, baseball, golf, tennis. I don’t do any of it very well, but I love it.
10. What is your favourite book and/or film?
‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance’ by Robert Pirzig is a great book. And without doubt my all-time favourite movie is ‘Bad Boy Bubby’. Just kidding – it’s ‘The Sting’ with Redford and Newman. Brilliant movie.