Summer’s time to shine on the netball court

Summer is a midcourter mostly playing in the centre.

By Mikayla van Loon

Chirnside Park netballer Summer Tuppenney has been identified by Netball Victoria to trial for the talent academy in a few months time.

The under 17s player was seen by a talent scout when her Lilydale and Yarra Valley Netball Association representative team played in both the Central East Association Championships in May and the State Championship in July.

“Talent scouts observed the games and noted those players who showed exceptional talent, inviting them to trial for the 2023 Talent Academy Program,” Summer’s mum Kylie said.

“Five of Summer’s Rep teammates, four of which are still bottom age players, including Summer, were also talent identified, which is an amazing accomplishment.”

Although only the first stage in the process before potentially being selected to participate in the academy itself next year, Kylie said both her and Summer have their fingers crossed.

“This opportunity is a great step towards furthering her skills and learning from some of netball’s most experienced coaches and players,” Kylie said.

“It will also be a great way to open new doors to new opportunities, if she wishes to proceed in furthering herself in the sport in the future.”

Having first started in the sport at the age of six, Summer said she initially began as a goaler “but once I started playing Rep, my coach saw me more as a midcourter and I now love to play WD and C.”

Excited about the opportunity, Summer said she is mostly looking forward to “challenging [herself] to compete with the best players in [her] age group.”

“I love being part of a team and the fun I have with my teammates. I also really enjoy the competitive side of my games. I love to win and come off the court feeling great about how I played,” she said.

Taking significant steps forward in her netball, Summer and her under 17s team at Chirnside Park will be playing in the semi final on Saturday 20 August having been undefeated all season.

She is also planning on taking on her first coaching position at the club next season.

“Grassroots netball is where every player begins, so Summer will always have a fond connection with Chirnside, as that is where it all started for her,” Kylie said.

“Hopefully, the further she progresses in her netball, the more she can give back to the junior players at the club through coaching roles and general mentoring. She will be taking on her first coaching role next season, which she is really excited about.”