What book had the biggest impact on your life and why?
Watership Down: Richard Adams. This book opened up a secret world. Not a world of magic or fantasy, but a world of wild rabbits as complex and intelligent creatures. It is a book that promotes empathy and compassion. It gave to me the understanding that all forms of life, from the ants on my window ledge to the dandelion growing through the cracks in the footpath, are precious and unique.
Which book have you read the most number of times and why?
A tie! As I Lay Dying: William Faulkner and Waiting for Godot: Samuel Beckett. Although, Waiting for Godot is a play, but I still count it. Faulkner and Beckett are fierce writers. They examine the act of living, its fears, hopes, and absurdity. These books challenged me to answer the question, ‘why do you think what you think?’ I often return to them.
What are you currently reading?
My Wicked, Wicked Ways: Errol Flynn. Flynn had, perhaps, too much charisma. It is evident even in his writing. The book is aptly titled and such a delight to read.
What book or series do you hope will be turned into a movie or tv show one day?
Of course I want to see my own novels on the screen! I could make a brief appearance, just like Hitchcock. Some others are The Monkey Wrench Gang: Edward Abbey and Blood Meridian: Cormac McCarthy.