By Mikayla van Loon
Yarra Ranges Council has moved forward with a heritage overlay amendment for 1 Montrose Road, Montrose, having unanimously approved a motion to submit a request to the planning minister for an independent review.
Having previously applied for an interim heritage overlay for the property after a planning application was submitted for a childcare centre, the council has now sought an independent panel’s decision on the appropriateness of heritage status.
Montrose resident Pauline Mead spoke in support of the motion at the 11 October council meeting on behalf of other residents in the town and National Trust Victoria Dandenong Ranges branch president Carolyn Ebdon.
“1 Montrose Road, Montrose originally known as Alta Dena has stood in a prominent position at the centre of the Montrose township for 92 years,” she said.
“Its historic architecture and surrounding gardens add considerable character and aesthetic qualities to the area.”
Ms Mead said the history and unique features needed to be celebrated as one of the only surviving tudor revival manor houses.
While the developers plans, listed as Saltworks Investments Montrose, show the retainment of the heritage facade to build the childcare facility, Ms Mead was concerned about the internal elements.
“Without the protection of a heritage overlay there would be no guarantee that the character and the historical architecture would be preserved, particularly if or when the ownership of the property changes in the future,” she said.
“There is a story to be told about this property and it’s important [included] in local history.”
Councillor Sophie Todorov raised a question regarding the cost of the process to implement an independent review and who footed the bill.
Council officer Nathan Islip said the cost would fall to the council as a council led planning scheme amendment with an estimated value of $8000.
For Walling ward councillor Len Cox who has lived in Montrose for 50 years, he said 1 Montrose Road had always been an important part of the town.
“There’s very few of these houses left and there’s none left in Montrose that I know of at all and it’s most important that no matter what happens to this house in the future that it be preserved in its original condition and not just the house but the lands around it as well,” he said.
Cr Todorov seconded the motion and said it seems perfectly reasonable to request an independent review to ensure all evidence is considered in a transparent approach, so that the mitigation of the risk in losing such architecture is done with due diligence.
“Having been through the heritage overlay considerations in lilydale only recently I certainly appreciate the significance of any building or place that might fall into that category,” she said.
All councillors supported the motion to put forward a request to the State’s planning minister Lizzie Blandthorn.