By Mikayla van Loon
Montrose residents can expect to see fire preparedness works being undertaken by Forest Fire Management Victoria (FFMVic) in coming weeks particularly located around Lower View Track.
These works form part of the year-round mechanical fuel management works undertaken by FFMVic to reinstate 20-metre width of the existing fuel break.
“Fuel management is a year-round program. Our experienced crews are always looking for opportunities to carry out fuel reduction works when conditions allow, whether that be planned burning, slashing, mulching, hazardous tree removal or maintenance of fuel breaks,” FFMVic District Manager Metro Dan White said.
Crews will be managing weeds and removing hazardous trees to ensure access for slashing machinery and fire vehicles should a fire event break out over summer.
These works are expected to last for two weeks, running from 21 October, but weather conditions will need to allow for such works.
This is just the continuation of a long program for the Montrose area.
“Over the next year we plan to carry out a combination of planned burning and mechanical works in the Montrose area to provide the community with the highest level of protection in the event of a bushfire,” Mr White said.
“So far this year we’ve carried out planned burns across 21-hectares in the Montrose area, maintained fuel breaks and are preparing for more works when conditions allow.
“While fuel management is a year-round program, our crews can only conduct these operations when conditions allow to ensure the best outcomes.”
More works are scheduled for the north end of Sheffield Road in early to mid November to improve drainage and remove hazardous trees.
The works in Montrose may restrict access to walking paths and trails and residents are advised they may see machinery in the area.
To find out when planned burns are happening near you visit: www.plannedburns.ffm.vic.gov.au/