The 1812 Theatre
The Woman in Black
The 1812 Theatre’s final production for 2022 was Susan Hill’s The Woman in black.
This, as the program reminds us, is a ghost story in two acts.
The 1812 Theatre program was set out in Victorian fashion bringing the correct atmosphere to the evening as one is presented with the said program.
The set was amazing. As the program says, “The audience is asked to imagine the action of the play takes place in the basement of a respected West End Theatre London.”
So 1812 set the stage as such with a black brick wall running diagonally across the rear of the stage, a round central door, a theatre old style basket and many pipes leading up and down with different gauges attached.
The story of Arthur Kipps who hires an actress to teach him how to present his story to family and friends. The story of his mission as a young man to a lonely old house where an old lady has passed away and Kipps representing the solicitors of the estate is sent to go through everything and settle the estate. What happens is the story that must be told.
The players were Rhiannon Stephens who played the acting coach and young Arthur Kipps.
Rowan Francis played the older Arthur Kips, Mr Bentley, Landlord, Keckwick, Tomes, Samuel Daly, and Horatio Jerome.
This is not an easy task to play several roles in one show.
Stephens did a good portrayal as the Acting Coach and young Artur Kipps. Beside the great acting she had several changes which were done very smoothly and quickly.
Rowan Francis excelled in his many roles, from the shy elderly solicitor to the varying townspeople including different accents. A well done performance from both actors and a great evening of horror theatre. Many of the audience were rather bemused at the end of the evening and there was not the usual hurry to leave the theatre. People took their time looking around nervously as they left.
A great evening of theatre to finish 2022 by The 1812 Theatre.