‘A hilarious evening of theatre’

The Basin Theatre presented Two and Together. Picture: THE BASIN THEATRE.

By Peter Kemp

The Basin Theatre presents Two and Two Together

The Basin Theatre’s 2023 opening production was Derek Benfield’s Two and Two Together.

A hilarious evening of theatre with Rachel’s husband never suspecting that she is keeping an assignation with a young man in the house of her good friend Georgina. Why should he, he is meeting Georgina secretly while her husband is acting in a play at the theatre.

Does this lead to some complications when Henry comes home earlier than usual.

Bob Bramble and his team of actors certainly brought this show to life leaving the audience in stitches.

Opening we see the young man, Frank, played by James Banger. Somewhat confused by his perspective and doesn’t know quite how to handle the matter, Banger gave a good interpretation of the character.

His prospective, Rachel, played by Adrienne George was excellently performed by George giving the audience somewhat more to think about particularly in the matter of costuming.

Her husband, Victor, played by Andrew McIver, an actor who raised laughs even on entering the stage. Victor seemed confused about what was going on, particularly about the handbag. A good interpretation of such a role and presented well to the audience. Georgina, played by Leanne Jackson, captured the essence of such a role, not quite susceptible to the wiles of Victor but worried about Henry.

Henry, the actor, played by Brett Hyland also added to the standard of the evening with his puzzled look and feelings about what was going on.

Then we had Proctor, the Neighbourhood Watch man who took his job rather too seriously plus his ferocious sounding dog. Phil Homes was Proctor giving a good feel to the role.then there was Mrs Capstick, played by Fiona Carter.

Mrs Capstick was the cleaning lady to both households and could not work out what was going on. Carter caught the character as envisaged giving a good all-round performance.

A great opening to 2023 by The Basin Theatre and a production well enjoyed by the audience.