By Callum Ludwig
The Yarra Ranges branch of the Rural Rainbows group is set to receive a boost with a grant from the Youth Affairs Council Victoria (YACVic) and the Victorian Government.
Started in early 2022, Rural Rainbows has provided a safe space for LGBTQIA+ youth in the Yarra Ranges over the last year and will receive a share in $102,000 along with ten other organisations from the Healthy Equal Youth (HEY) Grants program.
A spokesperson from Rural Rainbows said they are so thrilled to have received the grant and really excited to be able to use it to continue to support the LGBTQIA+ young people of the Yarra Ranges.
“It really is a reflection of the wonderful hard work and passion of our young volunteers, who created the group from the ground up in order to provide a safe and fantastic space for their peers,” they said.
“Having these local safe spaces for LGBTQIA+ young people is incredibly important, it gives them a chance to share their experiences with their peers, find information on other services they might need, and build a community and support network together all while having fun and laughs.”
The grant is set to support the group to continue to run the existing Lilydale peer group, create a brand new Upper Yarra Group in Yarra Junction, and look at trialling a Healesville group as well as provide activities, events and resources.
A Rural Rainbows spokesperson said they are so grateful to the Youth Affairs Council of
Victoria for acknowledging the importance of providing these local groups.
“As well as improving the mental health and wellbeing of young people, the increased visibility of the group and the advocacy done by our young participants and volunteers also contribute to reducing stigma and discrimination in the general community,” they said.
“Our groups are run by and for local young LGBTQIA+ people, and we know what it’s like to need a space for us to be exactly who we are, it’s a super creative, safe and fun group and totally accepting of all diversity and uniqueness.”
The Rurail Rainbows group participate in everything from relaxing art and craft sessions and group discussions to celebrating queer events such as IDAHOBIT and Pride Month and even attending the Minus 18 Queer Formal together, as they did in 2022.
YACVic Rural Manager Derm Ryan said the HEY Grants make a real difference to the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTIQA+ young people across Victoria.
“YACVic is proud to work alongside the Victorian Government in delivering this Australian first-of-its-kind program, which empowers and celebrates all aspects of LGBTIQA+ identities,” he said.
Any LGBTQIA+ young people aged between 12 and 25 and welcome to get involved with the rural Rainbows group, either the existing one in Lilydale which meet fortnightly on a Wednesday evening, or with the new Yarra Junction group starting on April 19.
Anyone who would like more information or who has any questions are welcome to get in touch with the group via their email address ruralrainbows@each.com.au.