Local Hero visits Lilydale Primary School for Aussie of the Month award

Belinda Young tells students her story. Picture: CALLUM LUDWIG

By Callum Ludwig

Lilydale Primary School had a special guest for the presentation of their Aussie of the Month award for May.

Winner of the Victorian Local Hero award in the 2023 Australian of the Year awards Belinda Young attended an assembly at the school and presented this month’s award to Amelie.

Ms Young said it’s incredibly important to foster a sense of community in children.

“It goes without saying that how our kids behave reflects our community, so if we are teaching them that it’s the right way to go, the right way to be there for everyone, respectful and inclusive, then it’s going to make our communities a far better place to be,” she said.

Ms Young received the title of Victorian Local Hero for founding the Mums of the Hills Facebook group in 2021 which now has over 5000 members and has helped connect mothers throughout the region.

Ms Young said the community will always be there for you when you need them.

“It’s also good if you go out into the community and contribute something as well, research shows volunteering is the secret to a long and happy life, only have to do two to fours hours a week max, and you get a huge benefit and so does the community in return,” she said.

“If there’s something that you’re missing in your life that you need help with, see if there are other people that are in the same situation, it’s always a great way to find those connections and to make a difference, and if you have an idea jump in and give it a go.”

Lilydale Primary School was the first school to pilot virtual visits through the Aussie of the Month award initiative, with their first award handed out in October 2019. Awards have previously been awarded by a Local Hero via a recorded video message.

Lilydale Primary School Principal Andrew Weaver said having someone like Belinda visit gives students a role model to show what a difference they can make.

“Belinda’s done a lot for the people around her, particularly over in the Hills community, and it allows the children to see what is possible and how you can engage with the community,” he said.

“We’ve got children here who are great leaders of our school and we want to expand that into the community.”