Have your say on Government’s bushfire management

The Labor Government is seeking community feedback on the draft of Victoria’s Bushfire Management Strategy, setting the 10-year vision for bushfire management in Victoria.

Victorians live in one of the most bushfire-prone regions in the world and while fire is a natural part of many Victorian environments, major bushfire events have had devastating impacts and climate change is increasing their severity and frequency.

Minister for Environment Ingrid Stitt said its the people who live in the communities that can help direct our strategy.

“We know that when communities understand bushfire risks and apply the right practical solutions they reduce their exposure to bushfire hazards and become more resilient,” she said.

The draft strategy focuses on the shared responsibility of government, land and fire agencies, the community and Traditional Owners to protect the things Victorians value most from bushfire. It will help communities develop a common understanding of bushfire risk and determine the right actions to reduce that risk.

Minister for Emergency Services Jaclyn Symes said being proactive is key.

“We need to remain bushfire ready, and this strategy will make sure Victoria improves our fire management activities for the next decade,” he said.

Feedback from the Victorian community will ensure the document properly reflects Victoria’s collective goals for bushfire management, creating more resilient communities.

To have your say and to help shape the direction of bushfire management in Victoria over the next 10 years, please visit engage.vic.gov.au/victorias-bushfire-management-strategy.

Consultation on the strategy closes on Sunday 20 August.