By Mikayla van Loon
The Mount Evelyn Sports and Community Hub (MESCH) celebrated its official opening on Saturday 5 August, marking the occasion with an unveiling, alongside a showcase of sport.
After years pushing for an updated pavilion and then delays in the build, the completed building was finally handed over to the sports clubs and community a couple of weeks ago.
MESCH president Mal Darke said it has been a welcome addition to the sporting community with the new change rooms providing more comfort for players for the final part of the season.
“The clubs are loving it. All the players are loving it. The junior club, the senior club, the cricket club. Everyone’s been fantastic. They’ve embraced it,” he said.
“A lot of people just can’t believe we have a facility of this standard in Mount Evelyn.”
With interest already from Yarra Ranges Council, Bendigo Bank and YMCA to use the pavilion for meetings and events, Mr Darke said the word is spreading that the space is for everyone.
“It’s really getting out and about that it’s not just a sporting facility. There’s spaces available for the community as well,” he said.
“So I’m actually expecting the use of the community space in there to increase as word gets out, it’s been really positive so far.”
As part of the opening event, Mr Darke said he was most thankful for being able to unveil The Bryan McCarthy Community Room.
“Bryan was a massive part of the process, throughout the building and all that kind of stuff as the inaugural president of MESCH.
“It was really nice to see Maria [McCarthy] and her family there for that.”
In a celebration of the new, was also a celebration of the old, with a gathering of past players at Saturday’s event.
While much of the fit out is done, Mr Darke said there are still some finishing touches to be put on the building, like the installation of the foundation bricks.
“We ended up selling nearly 100 bricks, I think it was 94 bricks. They haven’t been installed yet, or built in yet, but will be in the not too distant future,” he said.
“It’s unfortunate it wasn’t done prior to the grand opening but he will do it in due course, he just wants to do a really special presentation on it. So it’s going to take a little bit more time.”
Anyone looking to use the building for a community meeting or event can inquire about the space via the MESCH website, www.mesch3796.com.au