Three…things to do for Mental Health Month

Three things to do for Mental Health Month. Picture: UNSPLASH

Bring in the pets

Everyone loves playing with pets, which also has the benefits of helping things like reducing blood pressure. You can host your friends to an outdoor lunch with pets, with tasty treats for pets and their owners or you can visit a zoo, such as Moonlit Sanctuary.

Go for a run

Exercise has been shown to have a dramatic influence on treating mental illnesses. Keeping active fuels the body and mind with positive benefits such as endorphins or just the sense you’ve done something with yourself. It doesn’t have to be a gruelling workout, it’s just about being active in a way that suits you. Could be a nice walk or a 6-week training camp, what ever you like.

Get off your phone

The internet has shown to have negative effects on mental states, by providing high states of constant stimulation it can reduce sleep which is a major influence on your psyche. Not to mention all the potential negative influences of social media. Instead try to read a book, try a new hobby or go completely off the grid in a cabin in the woods. Whatever you feel like, just unplug from cyberspace every now and again.