Enid’s playing on at 99

Lilydale Croquet Club player Enid Swain celebrated her 99th birthday. Picture: SUPPLIED.

John Thomson, president Lilydale Croquet Club

They say croquet is good for the mind, body and spirit, this must be true in relation to one Lilydale croquet club member, Enid Swain.

Enid celebrated her 99th birthday last week with a morning tea at the croquet club.

There was standing room only in the club rooms as many of her fellow members came to celebrate her birthday.

Enid comes to the club once or twice a week to play croquet and is still a formidable opponent able to draw on her vast experience in playing croquet.

As Enid, and many others will attest to the fact that playing croquet is a perfect non-contact sport that gives you plenty of body movement, hand eye coordination and keeps your brain active working out different tactics during the game.

Happy 99th birthday Enid, looking forward to our next game of croquet.