Melba Support Services (Melba) has won the 2023 Excellence in Service Quality award at the annual National Disability Awards.
The awards celebrate those working to create an inclusive Australia where people with disability are valued, respected and contribute to the community.
Accepting the award at the 2023 awards ceremony in Melbourne, Melba CEO Hayley Dean said:
“It’s wonderful that Melba is recognised tonight for service quality. We invest in ensuring that our dedicated and hardworking staff are supported to deliver our person-directed, human rights approach, and are trained and coached in providing best practice support. This is because we are absolutely committed to removing barriers for people we support.”
Melba’s nomination highlighted the human rights approach to everything they do. This includes ensuring people who use Melba’s services have their human rights supported by the Advocacy, Rights, Representation, Outcomes, and Worth (ARROW) groups, and they experience the highest standard of health and well-being.
As a trusted NDIS provider in Victoria, Melba always looks for ways to improve our services and ensure that people’s human rights are upheld.
ARROW was born out of this commitment and empowers individuals with disabilities in directing how their services and support are delivered at the individual, service-specific, and organisational levels.
Melba’s Complex Health model supports a human rights, “wraparound” approach – with strong partnerships between people we support, their families, staff and health providers to promote and safeguard the health of each person.
“We look forward to celebrating this award with our staff and Board, who I know will quite rightly feel proud of their work to open up worlds of opportunities with the people we support,” Ms Dean said.
“Congratulations to our fellow nominees Advocacy WA and Multicap whose inspirational work was also shortlisted for this award.”