Community members are being encouraged to provide feedback on a Draft Concept Plan for the site at 150 Cambridge Road, Kilsyth.
The Draft Concept Plan comes after a round of community engagement from September-October 2023, which asked community members what they would like to see developed at the site following Yarra Ranges Council’s purchase of it in 2022.
Walling Ward Councillor Len Cox thanked the community for their ideas and input which helped inform the Draft Concept Plan.
“We had a wonderful amount of feedback from the community on how best to develop this space, and I can’t thank them enough for their passion and ideas to help us with this next step,” Cr Cox said.
“One of the most common responses we had was to consider creating an urban forest, which is essentially an area that features indigenous trees, shrubs and grasses while maintaining good sightlines throughout.
“We also had requests for some recreation spaces, some more amenities such as shelters and seating, as well as a water feature.”
Other features of the Draft Concept Plan included nature play areas for children, paths that guide visitors through woodland and native grasses, bike jump tracks and a gathering and educational space around the existing Manna gum tree.
An upgraded car park, multi-purpose half-court near the sports pavilion, picnic area with shelter and public toilet area have also been included.
Community members will have until Monday 10 June to provide feedback on the Draft Concept Plan, and what elements of it they support.
For more information on the site and to have your say, visit shaping.yarraranges.vic.gov.au/150-cambridge-road-master-plan-development.
The northern parcel of land of the 150 Cambridge Road site was purchased by the council from the Department of Education in 2022, following a passionate plea from the community to have the site retained as open space.
It was previously occupied by the Yarra Hills Secondary College.
Aside from the Draft Concept Plan, the council will also soon commence some minor landscape works to the site, such as paths, seating, trees and shrubs so that the community can begin using the area for passive recreation.
The council is also considering holding a community planting day to celebrate the attainment of the land and the advancement of the site. For notification, please provide your contact details if you are interested in being involved in the event as a planter or spectator.