Caladenia Dementia Care was founded in 1983 and is a not-for-profit agency providing respectful care and support for people living with dementia and their carers from the day centre in Mooroolbark.
The programs aim to promote self-esteem and maintain the social, cognitive and physical skills of the person living with dementia and to give friends and family members a break, knowing that their loved one is happy, meaningfully occupied and safe.
Caladenia’s services are available to anyone with dementia – from very early stage, or first diagnosis – to separate programs for people with more advanced dementia.
The Day Centre runs six days per week with a variety of dementia-specific respite and recreational programs designed to meet the needs of people living with varying degrees of dementia. There is a men-specific outing group, several social outing groups as well as a group that runs further out in the Yarra Valley for those in more rural areas.
Services include support, information and advocacy for carers, as well as a monthly carer support group. Support for carers are available to anyone in the community caring for a person living with dementia. Caladenia’s programs are overseen by 20 qualified staff and 35 trained volunteers. Currently providing services to over 100 people each week.
Caladenia also provides the Commonwealth funded Staying at Home Program – RESTED which provides education, resources and support for carers and the person they care for in a three day resort style break. This is also open to members of the wider community caring for someone living with dementia.
“We could not continue to provide this well regarded and important service without our loyal and passionate volunteers, who help us to make the time special for our clients, lending a listening ear, a smiling face, or some robust conversation during our in house programs or outings,” board chair Ronda Jacobs said.
“Our volunteers get just as much enjoyment and fulfilment from the day as they give, and are provided with support and training to assist the staff.”
Caladenia is now looking for additional support from the community in two areas to assist with the maintenance, upgrades, and upkeep of the much-loved home of the service.
“We are very keen to meet local tradespeople who could spare some time or reduce their fees to help with maintenance and upgrading of our facility. We are very grateful to have such a lovely building supported by the Yarra Ranges Council, but we are responsible for the upkeep of the site which was built in 1893, and extended in 1998,”
“For example, at the moment we need to upgrade our kitchen so we can continue to provide wholesome meals during our programs. We are funded by government and donations, and try to put as much of that income as we can towards additional services, rather than building costs, so any help would be much appreciated by those who utilise our programs.
“It would also be fantastic if we could find someone who is interested in managing our modest fundraising activities! These funds directly help us provide extended programs or reduce our waiting lists, so we would be very grateful for a little extra help to plan, manage and implement our fundraising activities.”
Consider volunteering this National Volunteer Week and if you think you would like to help in some way, please contact the Caladenia CEO Sarah Yeates on 9727 2222 or caladenia@caladenia.com.au