Art, Food, Gin and Dance at Burrinja Centre

Kemp's Curtain Call. (File: 281414)

By Peter Kemp

Burrinja Centre

Sunset Sessions.

Art – Food – Gin – Dance

Discover the magic of Burrinja at this special Spring Themed Sunset Session.

Immerse yourself in an evening of vibrant art, lively music and tantalising tastes on Friday 2 September.

Celebrate the final week of the extraordinary of the extraordinary Botanical exhibition, with a spectacular lineup.

Botanical Dual Exhibition: Drawn from Nature and Banks Florilegium in the Burrinja


Catching the Storm Within Exhibition by Megan Archer un the aerie gallery.

Botanical Art Workshop with the talented Martha Iserman.

Lively bush Dance led by the dynamic Bushwahzee.

Exquisite Gin Tasting courtesy of Ginfinity (Killik).

Delicious Paella prepared by Mullum Creations.

Artist Talk from exhibiting Botanical artist John Pastoriza Piňol.

Join Burrinja from 8pm to 9pm for an unforgettable evening of creativity and culture.

Nova Music theatre


Transport yourself to the mystic Scottish Highlands where a charming village appears once every hundred years.

Filled with romance, adventure, and unforgettable memories, this classic musical will captivate audiences of all ages.

Season opened 13 September and closes 22 September.

Theatrical presents

A Chorus Line

A show about the hopes, dreams and struggles of 17 dancers that hope to get into a chorus line in the latest show on Broadway.

Beside auditioning as dancers, they each are asked questions about themselves.

A first class production with an amazing standard of timing from each dancer.

A simple set comprising of five mirrors at rear of stage which were moved about to suit the occasion.

Dancers were in rehearsal costumes for the entire show except at the finale.

The director, Zach, for the show onstage was Julian Dods. He had the job of cutting the 17 dancers down to eight.

Not a happy task. Cassie, one of the auditionees, was a former star who wanted this job desperately.

Played by Madeline Pratt who handled the role with finesse.

Nathan Fernandez was Paul, a mixed up character who surprised all in his performance.

A good interpretation of the character.

A full orchestra of 17 musicians who accompanied the dancers with aplomb.

A full house for opening night and a sow highly recommended to see.