Three from three for Lilydale Croquet

Kerri McCracken had a some tough match ups against Kew and Mornington. (309068)

By John Thomson

This week Lilydale Croquet Club’s Division 1 team only had to travel to Ringwood, much shorter than last week’s Sandringham trip.

Lilydale’s team this week comprised Murray Howlett and John Thomson.

Lilydale started strongly and made the first four hoops before Ringwood won their first hoop. Lilydale continued with their strong form in this game and went on to win 7 hoops to Ringwood 3 hoops.

In the first singles game Murray started well but his Ringwood opponent was not going to make it easy and the game was close until late in the game Murray was able to get a break on his opponent and went on to win 7 hoops to Ringwood 4 hoops.

John played in the next singles game. This game went hoop for hoop until John made a couple of unforced errors and his opponent took full advantage and went onto win 7 hoops to Lilydale 4 hoops.

At the lunch break the scores were Lilydale 2 games 18 hoops to Ringwood 1 game 14 hoops. With two games to play the final result could still go either way.

Murray played in the first singles after lunch. Murray kept his good form going in this game and was able to have a comfortable win 7 hoops to Ringwood 3 hoops.

In the last game John was playing. This game was almost a carbon copy of his first singles as the game was close and then a couple of silly unforced errors and the Ringwood player took full advantage and went on to win, 7 hoops to Lilydale 4 hoops.

The final score for the day was Lilydale 3 games 29 hoops to Ringwood 2 games 24 hoops.

This was Lilydale’s first win in Division 1 this season so hopefully they can build on this result.

Lilydale’s Division 2 team this week played host to the Kew croquet club.

Lilydale’s team comprised Mick Crawley and Kerri McCracken, Kerri was a late inclusion this week due to the absence of team captain Alan Jones.

Both teams started well in the doubles, the game was close most of the game until Lilydale were able to run a couple of consecutive hoops to give them a break and go on to take the win, 7 hoops to Kew 5 hoops.

Mick played in the first singles. Mick has been in very good form so far this season and this game was no exception. Mick started well and was able to control the game most of the time to go on and win 7 hoops to Kew 4 hoops.

Kerri played in the next singles. The Kew player got off to a very good start and although Kerri battled hard the lead that the Kew player had built up, was just a stretch too far with Kew winning 7 hoops to Lilydale 4 hoops.

At the lunch break the scores were Lilydale 2 games 18 hoops to Kew 1 game 16 hoops.

It looked like this was going to be a very close finish to the day.

Kerri played in the first singles after lunch. The Kew player started with a rush, and although Kerri was trying everything she could, the gap was just a bit too much for her to bridge. Kew 7 hoops Lilydale 3 hoops.

After that game the score was Lilydale 2 games 21 hoops Kew 2 games 23 hoops. Kew had their noses in front by two hoops, so with one game to play the final result was a long way from being decided.

Mick was playing in the last singles. Mick carried his good form into this game getting off to a good start, then controlled the game to take out the win. Lilydale 7 hoops to Kew 4 hoops.

Lilydale wins a very close day 3 games 28 hoops to Kew 2 Games 27 hoops.

Lilydale’s Division 2 team, after three weeks, are undefeated, a very good start to the season.

On Thursday 26, the Lilydale Handicap team made the long trip down the peninsular to Mornington. The conditions were overcast with a slight southerly coming off the bay keeping the temperature cool.

Lilydale’s team this week was Murray Howlett, Michael Crawley and Kerri McCracken.

Kerri McCracken played in the first singles. Kerri was starting with a one hoop advantage.

The Mornington player started well and had soon made up that one hoop advantage. The Mornington player used his home court knowledge well and set up a break and then held on to win 7 hoops to Lilydale 5 hoops.

In the first doubles Murray and Michael played. Murray and Michael were starting one hoop behind while the Mornington team were starting with a two hoop advantage, this was going to be tough for the Lilydale pair to make up.

Murray and Michael got away to a great start and had soon made up their one hoop disadvantage and then proceeded to make further grounds on their opponents and went on to have a good win 7 hoops to Mornington 4 hoops.

Michael was playing in the next singles. Michael was starting with a one hoop disadvantage in this game.

Michael soon made up his one hoop and put the game on level terms. Michael controlled the game and went on to have a good win 7 hoops to Mornington 2 hoops.

In the next doubles Murray and Kerri were playing. Mornington were starting with a one hoop advantage.

Again, Lilydale started well and had soon put the game back on level terms and controlled the game using good team work to go on and win 7 hoops to Mornington two hoops.

At the break the scores were Lilydale 3 games 26 hoops to Mornington 1 game 15 hoops. With two games to play Mornington could level on games but they also had to make up an 11 hoop deficit.

In the last singles for the day Kerri was playing, starting with a one hoop advantage.

In handicap play getting off to a good start is important and the Mornington player did just this and soon had the game back on level terms and from there went on to win 7 hoops to Lilydale 4 hoops.

In the last game of the day Murray and Michael were playing.

Lilydale were starting one hoop behind while the Mornington team were starting with a two hoop advantage.

This was the closest of all the games and it was the handicaps in the end that were the difference in the game, Mornington 7 hoops to Lilydale 4 hoops.

Final scores for the day. Lilydale 3 games 34 hoops to Mornington 3 games 29 hoops.

This win keeps Lilydale on top of the handicap ladder after three weeks.