Increasing activity on the horizon for the Yarra Ranges

Yarra Ranges Council have endorsed their new Active Recreation Plan for the Hills. PICTURE: On File

By Tanya Faulkner

“A healthy community equals a happy community, and that’s what we’re all about,”

The words of Yarra Ranges Councillor Andrew Fullagar sang true at the recent council meeting on 10 October, commenting on activities and recreation in the municipality.

Yarra Ranges Council has recently endorsed its Active Recreation Plan for the community, bringing welcomed changes for the municipality over the coming years to increase public participation in exercise and sport.

Addressing the requests made by public consultation of what locals want in the Ranges is key for the Active Recreation Plan, which found locals, in particular, wanted social active recreation opportunities, a diversity of active recreation opportunities, recreation with connections to nature, convenient locations that are co-located with compatible facilities and safe, active recreation designed to maximise usability.

All of these ‘wants’ have been taken into consideration by Yarra Ranges Council when drafting the incoming Active Recreation Plan.

The motion was initially endorsed by deputy mayor Cr Sophie Todorov who said the plan was well received by the community.

“The plan has gone out for well over a month for community feedback in the Yarra Ranges, and over 80 per cent of respondents indicated they were happy with the plan,” she said.

Cr Todorov complimented the plans detail, and said it was a well researched plan looking at the fitness and demographics in the community.

“The plan is focused around our people and how we can best design our open spaces and play spaces to serve our people and encourage involvement.

“It looks at age, gender, culture, advantage and disadvantage, ability and disability, and what activities can be most accessible to the community with little cost,” she said.

The plan is said to also prioritise marginalised and priority communities across the Ranges.

The top five concerns outlined from community feedback were centred around safety, lighting, facilities including drinking fountains, or work commitments causing reduced physical activity, which the new plan addresses to be improved in the Yarra Ranges.

What Cr Todorov was most pleased with were the opportunities available to council in the foreseeable future.

“What strongly emerges in the plan are opportunities to partner with existing clubs and groups to keep costs low, improve our existing facilities and make them more accessible, safe and social,” she said.

Over the next ten years, the Yarra Ranges Council has a target to increase activity in the municipality by 15 per cent, which the Active Recreation Plan will support council in providing the appropriate services.

Cr Fullagar echoed the majority of Cr Todorov’s statements, who was also pleased to endorse this plan through council, as a subset of councils’ Health and Wellbeing plan.

“Active recreation is defined as leisure time activity taken outside of structured activities and competitive sport.

“This plan encourages the health and wellbeing of the community through the provision of appropriate infrastructure and recreational programs through council and the community.

“It’s good to get people out of their chairs and out onto the trails,” he said.

Cr Fullagar describes the plan as being “wide ranging and aspirational” which “promotes health, inclusion and community activity”.

The motion was carried unanimously by Yarra Ranges councillors.

More information can be found at