1. What is something people don’t know about you?
I am not just an Agriculture teacher, I run a YouTube channel about agriculture and have 50,000 subscribers worldwide. I am constantly amazed by the great stories that my viewers bring to my attention.
2. How long have you been involved and your students been involved in the Lilydale and Yarra Valley Show?
We were involved right from when I started the livestock program at the school. It’s critical to support the amazing work of the volunteers who bring us the show each year. Their work enriches the community, connects our students with local industry and creates a great sense of belonging.
3. What do you enjoy most about being a part of the Show? What opportunities does it give your students?
Shows are amazing for kids. From developing their presentation skills, confidence and critical eye, they also focus them on the welfare of their livestock. The students bond with the animals through care and develop empathy.
4. What has been one of your most memorable moments as a teacher or as part of the Show?
Talisha, a small but mighty student who, then in year 7, literally spear tackled a sheep to stop it running off after another older student provided a means of escape from the show arena. There is a funny story every year.
5. What do you love most about the Yarra Ranges?
We are fortunate to live in a varied, beautiful and productive part of the world. You could never leave the Yarra Ranges and still have new experiences for your whole life.
6. What event, past, present, or future, would you like to witness?
I would like to see the return of youth livestock programs between schools to the show. We need other schools to follow the lead of Mount Lilydale and connect students with the rich future that Agriculture has to offer.
7. Which four guests, dead or alive, would you invite to a dinner party?
Winston Churchill, for his pluck and presence. Charlie Chaplain for his humour and ground breaking creativity. Amelia Earhart for her bravery and sense of adventure and Richard Branson, I’d like to pick his brain.
8. Who do you admire the most?
My wonderful wife for putting up with me. Also Charles Massy for his groundbreaking work promoting regenerative Agriculture
9. What are some of your hobbies?
I’m really lucky, I have managed to turn my hobbies (wine, photography and farming) into a job. So I work every day, but love what I do.
10. What is your favourite book and/or film?
Favorite book is Cry of the Reed Warbler (an absolute must read)
My favorite film is a lot harder, but I have to go with “No Country for Old Men” It’s getting more relevant to me every year…..