Home News Page 17


Teacher workforce modelling reveals positive trends

The Victorian Government is helping Victorian kids get a world class education by growing the teaching workforce across the state. On Sunday 15 December,...

Caravan security tips after a rise in thefts

RACV and Neighbourhood Watch Victoria are reminding caravan owners to keep their vans secure, with caravan thefts or attempted thefts reaching the highest level...

Public consultation open for New Victorian Wine Strategy

The State Government is supporting the growth and sustainability of Victoria’s $9 billion wine industry with a new strategy to ensure it can continue...

The gift of gardening

One of the great things about gardening, particularly home gardening, is the gift of giving. This can be either in what has been grown...

Tips for saving on back to school costs

Now Christmas is over, families are bracing for the hefty costs that come with outfitting children for the new academic year. From clothing and supplies...

Young donor recipient encourages Victorians to register and give hope

Young heart transplant recipient Milly Johnston and her family are issuing a plea to Victorians to give the gift of hope this holiday season...

Nuts support a healthy lifestyle in older Australians

Regular consumption of nuts is associated with maintaining a healthy lifespan, new research from a Monash University-led team has found. Published in the Journal...

Summer craft fun for kids

Keep their kids entertained this summer and spark their creativity with some at-home crafts. From colourful art to nature-inspired DIYs, there’s no shortage of...

Tick off your health checklist for peace of mind this summer

Ready to switch off and relax this summer? Have a healthier start to the new year by ticking off this easy checklist and help...

Why Aussies love the iconic ‘chicken parma’

The chicken parmigiana, often affectionately called "chicken parma" or "parmi" in Australia, is a beloved staple of Australian pub culture. Its widespread popularity across...

Family fun that won’t break the bank

As summer unfolds, many families are looking for ways to enjoy quality time together without spending a fortune. While summer holidays often come with...

Don’t let your campfire become a bushfire this Summer

Fire authorities and public land managers have called on anyone camping in Victorian parks, reserves and forests this summer to check the conditions and...


Grand Finals for Kilsyth cricketers to continue next week

Kilsyth Third XI played Yarra Junction Second XI at Seville Reserve, North Oval in the John Springett Shield Grand Final (Premier 2 Section). Kilsyth...

Falcons win flag