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Experiencing the local Nocturnal Zoo again

Lilydale and surrounding residents are now able to enjoy the calls of nature and see some furry friends up close as a community zoo...

Mooroolbark illegal hunters caught in the high country

Three men from Mooroolbark are among seven people to be charged on summons following a police operation to detect deer hunters illegally spotlighting in...

Stations opened with the gift of free plants

To mark the occasion of the new Lilydale and Mooroolbark stations opening, Yarra View Nursery came along to hand out free native plants to...

Residents thrilled by new stations as they open to the public

The anticipation was rife as Mooroolbark and Lilydale residents and commuters made a return to using train travel for the first time in months...

Restrictions lifting has a diverse impact on businesses

As restrictions eased once again across the state, it meant a lot of different things to businesses in both Lilydale and Mooroolbark. While some...

Playground petition for Kilsyth

As Kilsyth grows with housing developments, parks and leisure spaces are becoming more and more of a luxury. Kilsyth Community Action Group member Mieke...

Lilydale and Kilsyth sports clubs share in shade funding

Lilydale Bowling Club and Kilsyth Cricket Club will share in new funding released by the State Government to improve and upgrade shade apparatuses. The...

Lilydale Community House prepares to open

Lilydale’s Community House is preparing to open from Monday 22 November for the first time since being established. Having held online classes, morning teas...

Police seek information on Mooroolbark assault

Police are appealing to the public for information about an alleged assault of a woman in Mooroolbark. Lilydale Police are wanting to speak to...

Lilydale to see more restrictions eased as Victoria hits vax target

Lilydale residents who are fully vaccinated will see more restrictions ease from midnight tonight. The State Government said nearly all of the remaining restrictions...

New station reveals

Workers have been busy getting Lilydale and Mooroolbark stations prepared for the long awaited reopening on Friday 19 November. After an extra delay by...

Croquet makes a return to the court

After missing the spring tournament because of the lockdowns, Lilydale’s Croquet Club players and members were eager to return to playing as soon as...


Special story time to celebrate Harmony Day

A special Mooroolbark story time session was hosted in Hookey Park on Tuesday to celebrate Cultural Diversity Week. The Harmony Day event on 18...