Three… ways to stay safe during heat

Three tips to stay safe in the hot summer sun. Picture: ON FILE

Learn signs of heat illness

If someone is experiencing a heat related illness it’s best to react quick and learn the signs. If someone has symptoms of excessive sweating, cold and clammy skin, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps or dizziness, these are signs of possible heat illness. You can see more information at

Plan to stay cool

It’s best to think ahead for days that are forecast with extreme heat. Things to think of are if you will have access to air-conditioned and cool space through out the day, whether you have a cool, lightweight clothing prepared and people that can assist you and each other in the heat.

Stay hydrated

The most obvious of them, but nonetheless one of the biggest factors on a hot day. Try to avoid sugary, alcoholic and caffeinated drinks and stick with water. Having snacks with water can be helpful to replace nutrients you sweat out with the heat.