Discovery Day at Ghilgai Steiner School, Kilsyth’s hidden gem

Come discover Ghilgai Steiner School. Picture: SUPPLIED

Tucked away among the trees on the high side of Liverpool Road in Kilsyth, there stands a remarkable little school that has been quietly serving families for over 40 years. And yet, according to Ghilgai Steiner School Principal Annabel Brown, ‘for a long time Ghilgai has been a real hidden gem.’

As the new leader of the Prep to Grade 6 school, Brown is out to change that. “

The education on offer at Ghilgai is exceptional, and our teachers are dedicated and highly skilled. Along with our specialist programs in music, handwork, movement and language, we have a strong emphasis on building the solid academic foundations that enable a child to fulfil their potential throughout their lives,” Brown said.

“As a small school community with 150 places, we provide an environment where every child and every family is seen, known and valued – and that human connection is what children need today more than ever. Ghilgai children love coming to school, and when we see that, we know that we’re fulfilling on our purpose of providing education for a flourishing world.”

On Saturday 25 May, Ghilgai Steiner School is welcoming the public to come in and get a taste of what actually happens in the classrooms each day.

“When families come for a personal tour and speak with our wonderful teachers, the comment we hear over and again is ‘I wish I could come and be in your class!’. So, recently our teachers got together and began making plans for this special day where people can do just that,” Brown said.

“On 25 May, adults will be able to come and be guided in mini-lessons by teachers from across the school. As well as seeing how literacy and numeracy teaching are approached at Ghilgai, parents will experience storytelling, music, Bothmer gymnastics and even handwork. Best of all, teachers will be available to answer all your questions and hear about the needs of your child and their journey so far.”

The Ghilgai Discovery Day is taking place from 9am to 12.30pm on Saturday 25 May. To book your place or arrange a personal tour, contact Enrolments Officer Michelle McAulay on 9761 8369 or email